- Mazal Tov to Yonah Kaplovitz upon his engagement to Miriam Wakter!
- Mazal Tov to Yaakov (Jack) Kaplan, upon his marriage to Sarah Feige Kaplan!
- Mazal Tov to Ahron Zev Herbstman and his wife, upon the birth of a baby girl!
- Mazal Tov to Yitzi Lebovits upon his marriage to Chana Mindy Shapiro!
- Mazel Tov to Alty Pearl and his wife, upon the birth of a baby boy!
Mazal Tov also to the Grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Pearl!
- Mazal Tov to Zev Zucker and his wife, upon the birth of a baby girl!
- Mazel Tov to Avrohom Abba Karfiol upon his engagement to Numi Neuman!
Mazal Tov also to the Parents Rabbi and Mrs. Karfiol!
- Mazal Tov to Naftali Stern upon his engagement to Miriam Leah Moskowitz!
- Mazal Tov to Hillel Weinreb upon his engagement to Nechi Lerhman!
- Mazal Tov to Chaim Gitelis and his wife, upon the birth of a baby girl!
- Mazal Tov to Sholom Lerner upon his marriage to Shani Wiesner!
- Mazal Tov to Pinny Faska upon his engagement to Etty Rubinstein!
- Mazal Tov to Yosef Birnbaum upon his engagement to Ruchy Rosen!
- Mazal Tov to Michael Hoch and his wife, upon the birth of a baby girl!
- Mazal Tov to Pesach Herbstman upon his engagement to Leah Lederer!
- Mazal Tov to Reuven Schloss and his wife, upon the birth of a baby boy!
- Mazal Tov to Dovy Leshkowitz and his wife, upon the birth of a baby girl!
- Mazal Tov to Mutty Leshkowitz and his wife, upon the birth of a baby girl!
- Mazal Tov to Shloime Goldschmidt upon his engagement to Dassi Klinger!
- Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Karfiol upon the engagement of their daughter!
- Mazal Tov to Meilich Leshkowitz and his wife, upon the birth of a baby girl!
- Mazal Tov to Mosey Kaplan and his wife, upon the birth of a baby boy!
- Mazal Tov to Aaron Zev Herbstman upon his marriage to Tzips Zwick!
- Mazal Tov to Yechiel Kahan upon his engagement to Gitty Brecher!
- Mazal Tov to Aron Shleifstein upon his marriage to Kraindy Jakubovics!
- Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Heshy Wolf upon the engagement of their daughter!
- Mazal Tov to Baruch Shafer upon his engagement to Sari Schwab!
- Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Moshe Kaufman, upon the birth of a baby boy!
Mazal Tov also to the Grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Kaufman!
- Mazal Tov to Shloimie Klein and his wife, upon the birth of a baby girl!
- Mazal Tov to Zev Zucker upon his marriage to Zahava Blumenfeld!
- Mazal Tov to Dovy Kirtzner upon his engagement!
- Mazal Tov to Moshe Perlman upon his marriage to Gitti Krigsman!
- Mazal Tov to Heshy Klein and his wife, upon the birth of a baby boy!
- Mazal Tov to Yitzy Shulman upon his engagement to Devora Maza!
- Mazal Tov to Moti Edelstein and his wife, upon the birth of a baby boy!
- Mazal Tov to Yitzi Mandel upon his engagement to Sorah Leah Pollak!
- Mazal Tov to Elly (Elmer) Merenstein and his wife, upon the birth of a baby boy!
- Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Duvie Frischman, upon the birth of a baby boy!
Mazal Tov also to the Grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Meir Frischman!
- Mazal Tov to Motty Shenberger upon his engagement to Shira Magid!
- Mazal Tov to Moshe Meisner and his wife, upon the birth of a baby girl!
- Mazal Tov to Gedalya Wielgus upon his engagement to Leah Gluck!
- Mazal Tov to Ari Green upon his engagement to Sara Messner!
- Mazal Tov to Chaim Gitelis upon his engagement to Rivki Lesser!
- Mazal Tov to Mordechai (Mordy) Lichtenfeld upon his engagement to Devoiry Grossman!
- Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzy Bald, upon the birth of a baby boy!
- Mazel Tov to Alty Pearl upon his marriage to Charna Waxman!
Mazal Tov also to the Parents Rabbi and Mrs. Pearl!
- Mazal Tov to Elly Kress upon his engagement to Zehava Ganz!
- Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Shimon Newmark, upon the birth of a baby girl!
- Mazel Tov to Binyomin Kiss upon his marriage to Tzippy Schlesinger!
- Mazel Tov to Shloimy Klein upon his marriage to Shani Leb!
- Mazel Tov to Shloime Ettinger upon his engagement to Rivky Rosen!